Rename array key to match correct unique key in query

So I am using this to bulk update some records on my table:

The problem is that since this table joins two DB tables, I have two unique identifiers called "id" (one in each table).

In the query, I define id AS bill_id, so there is no conflict with the data.

Now at the time of updating, I knew to specify the unique key:

The problem I have now is that in the object I have "bill_id" as the key so it cannot match id at the time of the update.

Wonder if there is any way to declare this so that I change the key name on the flye, pulling bill_id from the table but passing it as "id" to the bulk update feature.

Hey @j9o
Could you perhaps coerce your "Array of records to update" to have an ID like so?

{{ => { return {...(_.pick(row, ["bill_id", "restaurant_id" , "legal_name" , "pricing" , "currency" , "price"])), "ID": row.bill_id} }) }}

This is super helpful and super fast : )
This worked; I did have to remove bill_id in the original array so that I would not send a field without a match. With that little change it worked!