recordUpdates changing my array field types when I edit table


I am running into trouble with updating all array types in a table.

Basically I created a table using my GraphQL APIs, a couple of the fields arrays, but whenever I update them, using my {{ => _.omit(row, ["id"]) )[i]}}
query, it does not preserve the field types that were populated into the DB from my table, so I've ended up with errors like below for all fields that are arrays

{"message":"Variable \"$input\" got invalid value \"[3,14]\" at \"input.merchantIds\"; Int cannot represent non-integer value: \"[3,14]\"","extensions":{"code":"BAD_USER_INPUT","exception":{"stacktrace":["GraphQLError: Variable \"$input\" got invalid value \"[3,14]\" at \"input.merchantIds\"; Int cannot represent non-integer value: \"[3,14]\"","

How do I update array field types in a table and preserve them when I call recordUpdates?

Hi @johntim! Thanks for reaching out!

Is the data formatted properly in the left panel for the query that is going in to the table?

:thinking: You may end up needing to use Javascript or a transformer to modify the values going back to your db

Already solved this, posted over 1 month ago :slight_smile:

:grimacing: Sorry for the delay! I'm so glad you have a solution!