Re-run workflow functionality

Hi team,

It would be great if there is an easy way to rerun a workflow run or a series of workflow runs with their original trigger data. I discovered the "Use as example Json" option viewing the details of the start trigger in a workflow run, which is helpful as the I can manually trigger the workflow. But it still feels really manual.

My particular use case. An edit made to a workflow on Friday caused that over a couple hundred workflows during the weekend failed. We have identified and fixed the block that was causing the error, and we want to rerun the failed runs. We will have to do them manually (with other workflows we would be able to create another workflow with a loop and rerun the workflow like that, but it is difficult to recreate the start trigger data for this particular instance.


Hi @MiguelOrtiz, this is great feedback! Being able to rerun failed Workflows would ensure operations return to normal quickly and minimize recreation complexity.

We created the internal feature request and we'll update you here with any news.

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