Query Library Count

In the Query Library, when you're testing your queries, it will return the data, what time it ran and for how long.

What would be really really useful is if as well as the data, it told you how many records were returned in total anywhere on that screen.

Why? When you're joining tables, it's a very simple way of knowing that you've done the query correctly.


Hi @Ross_Coombes, thanks for the feedback. While this isn't possible at this time, I'd recommend using the COUNT() function for testing.

Hi thanks Abbey, yeah that is what I do for SELECT queries.

Would also be a lot more reassuring if UPDATE and DELETE queries told you how many rows were affected as well, currently that's a bit of hope for the best type situation.

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Hi @Ross_Coombes,

I'm happy to make a feature request for this. Thanks for surfacing it on the forum :slight_smile:

Great, thank you @AbbeyHernandez

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