Q2 Developer Day recap 2024

Hi all! Thank you to everyone who joined our Q2 Developer Day on June 6th! I know we covered a lot in the event, so if you want to chat about anything post event or ask additional questions, feel free to use this forum to do so.

All of us appreciate you being a part of this community, and for continuing to support events like this one.

V3.52 Release

Self-hosted Retool customers can choose to upgrade to Retool quarterly, on the stable release cycle, or weekly, on the edge release cycle. Check out our docs if you’re still deciding which is the best fit for you: Self-hosted Retool releases

Q2’s stable release is currently available in v3.52-- we recommend upgrading to the latest patch version of this release. For those ready to upgrade, take a look at our upgrade best practices guide.

Join the waitlist

We teased some really exciting features like multipage applications, theming, error monitoring, and a new style of layout. Most of these are still in private beta, but you can sign up on the waitlist for early access:

Docs and resources

To see a recap of everything we covered and learn how to upgrade to the 3.52 release, check out the blog. If you want to relive the entire event, watch the full recording of Retool Developer Day | Q2 2024.

To track new features as they land, keep an eye on our changelog.

Were there any features that really stood out to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!

Again, thanks for tuning in and see you next time!


cc @bobthebear since I believe I saw you might've been interested in seeing the Developer Day recording! :slight_smile: