Protocol "http:" not supported. Expected "https:" when using api format --> plaintext

Hi All,

I am using a rest api which works fine and returns rawXml / json but my api has the options to add the key format with the option plaintext. When I test this in postman it all works fine and it only returns one of the fields that I need in plaintext.

When I want to do this in retool I get the error Protocol "http:" not supported. Expected "https:"
It does create my data through the api but does not return anything.

Does anybody know if this can be solved?

@Sander Can you share your query & resource config? Do you use a proxy with this?

Team, I am building an API request to use in the form component when submit is clicked

Shared an example screenshot. It is a POST request. The same request works fine in postman. But showing the protocol error in retool.

Can someone please help?

This is the output i am getting.

@Kabilan_Ravi are you a onprem customer? And do you use HTTP_PROXY?

We've seen customers who solved this by fixing their Authorization token. I'd check that you have the right token. For example, maybe it should be BEARER {{ txtBearer.value }}. Can you try that?

If not, can you capture what's in the API request tab?

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