Problems to insert form variables on body req

  • Goal: I want to send a request to my service building the body based on form values

  • Steps: I tried to insert values on body, but some fields are throwing an error

-Description: I tried to insert the optional chaining, but it does not worked, an error is being thrown

  • Screenshots:

If one of the variables you are trying to access is null/undefined, what do you want it to return? For example, ticketTitle should be what if platformpage?.value finds that platformpage.value is undefined? Maybe add a ternary to the assignment?

Hi @Vinicius_Rodrigues, welcome to the forum! :wave:
As @jg80 mentioned, there is probably an issue with the reference. Is "platformPage" and "Description" variables or components?

Sharing the state of your app would help us identify what is causing this error.