Preserving newlines from text area input

Hi there, trying to run a POST request using some user input from a text area field. It's actually helpful to have multi-line information (preserve '\n', '\r', etc). I'm seeing that trying to fetch the textArea text and pass that in the body of the request strips away all of this information.

Wondering if I'm not setting a config correctly or something like that?

Example TextArea Input, which contains a newline after "retirees.":

Preview of Body of POST Request, no newline character after "retirees.":

Hey @nilesh :wave: Thanks for reaching out! This functionality is not currently supported for the textarea component, but the rich text editor value is HTML and it does preserve the line breaks. Would using this component work for your use case?

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Hi @lauren.gus , are there any plans to support this? It seems like an unexpected limitation for a multiline input!

Hi there! Not yet :disappointed: But I'll let the team know that you checked in about this request

For now, I'd recommend Lauren's suggestion or spinning up your own React (or html) custom component