Popup window for each cell value (domains)

We created a table that connected API to catch domains. How can we click a button (this button is easy to create) and then popup each websites window?

Thank you in advance!!

Hey @Miamiya, welcome to the community :hugs:

I had a similar use case not long ago, you can actually call utils.OpenUrl multiple times but you have to allow popups in your browser.

Create a new JS query and add it to the click handler on your button:

DomainTable.data.forEach(function (url) {
  utils.openUrl(url.domains, {newTab: true})

That should do the trick :v:

Hey @minijohn, thanks for your reply!

Where can I find the "Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects" selection?
Do I need to change any variable name in your JS query?

Thanks again!

Here's how to enable popups.

You would need to test the query @Miamiya and see if it works :)) Probably need to adjust the column names.

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Found it! Thanks @minijohn , appreciate your help! :laughing: