Poll API endpoint until it retrieves a HTTP 200 response

Hi there,

I'm pulling some data from the Store Leads API, using the page parameter set as "-1", which basically does this:

When using page=-1, results are generated asynchronously and the the initial request will immediately return an HTTP 202 response. The client should poll the same url, approximately once every 5 seconds, until an HTTP 200 response is returned (along with results).

Right now I'm running it manually until the results are retrieved. Is there a way I could automatically have this endpoint polled every few seconds until it retrieves the HTTP 200 response?

Hey @grefosco, welcome to the community :hugs:

Very high level: you could use a JS query that hits the API, evaluates if it's a 200 response and if not just runs it again.

Be sure to wrap your code in (async () => { and use the await and resolve functions. Something like this:

var leads = await new Promise((resolve) => {
    additionalScope: {
      someData: someData
    onSuccess: (data) => {

the leads variable now holds your response. From there you can build a loop until 200 is returned, etc.

Does that make sense?

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Hey @minijohn , thanks for your reply!

In theory I believe I understood your suggestion, but as I'm not well versed in JS, I couldn't figure much what to do with it, but with the help of a team mate, we came up with this, which worked perfectly:

(async function fetchDomainApps() {
  let response = await domainsApps.trigger();

  while (response.message) {
    setTimeout(async () => {
      response = await domainsApps.trigger();  
    }, 5000);

We couldn't figure out how to read the status of the request, hence we used response.message instead.

Thanks for your help!

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I am doing the same thing here but my query just runs infinitely and I have to close my browser.

(async function fetchAirflowSuccess() {
  let response = await qryGetDagSuccess.trigger();
  while (response != "success") {
    setTimeout(async () => {
      response = await qryGetDagSuccess.trigger();  
    }, 5000);

Hey @fowlerjk, await qryGetDagSuccess.trigger() will evaluate to the data property of qryGetDagSuccess. With that in mind, I would expect response != "success" to always be true, and for your loop to run forever.


(async function fetchAirflowSuccess() {let response = await qryGetDagSuccess.trigger();console.log(response)while (!response) {console.log(response)setTimeout(async () => {response = await qryGetDagSuccess.trigger(); }, 5000);}})();

work on your end? If not, could you share what response looks in your console.logs?