Goal: I have an internal Retool table with environmental survey data points. The surveys themselves are conducted within Retool by registered users. But there is a need for a survey map that is accessible outside Retool on a wordpress built landing.
Details: I had a few ideas how this can be accomplished. REST API to some map plotting service (mapbox, google) or a CSV export once a day wia some workflow or something completely different.
Question: I wanted to ask what's the best practice for such a task if anyone had to solve something similar.
Hello @Scottsky!
Hope the project is going well.
We have a few team members that work at Mapbox and I would highly recommend using that platform if you want to display map data outside of retool.
You should be able to have a workflow run a REST API request that sends data to your Mapbox account that can be fed into a map to render.
Retool Workflows can be used to set up a scheduler via a CRON job and retool apps. Here is a link to our docs on exporting data from a retool table as a CSV.
Hope this helps!
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As I was tinkering with mapbox looking at it as a potential solution you wrote this. Thank you for the article I clearly missed. And an affirmation that i'm barking at the right tree here. =)
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