Please Bring Legacy Table Back

The legacy table is so good. Please keep providing it as an alternative option.

Hi @Ka_Long_Chan,

Thanks for reaching out! Could you share more context on what features you're finding are missing from the new table?

The legacy table can technically be accessed under Deprecated components, but we've invested a lot into the new table & our goal is to ensure that there is full feature parity between the two tables :slightly_smiling_face:

  • The new versions formats all the columns and column names quite inaccurately, so I prefer how the old version just leaves the job to myself. I really just want my original column names.
  • I need to click "regenerate columns" every time I update my query, but the old version does it automatically.

I appreciate that the new version is a good alternative. And it probably works better in a majority of use cases. But the vanilla-ness of the old version also has numerous advantages in a non-negligible portion of cases as well. Please bring the legacy version back as an alternative, even if you just put it at the very bottom of the components list.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll post here if we address those points.

As long as you have enabled deprecated components, it will remain at the bottom of the components list