PDF component should follow redirects

"PDF could not be loaded" appears when a URL is used that responds with a 302 redirect. It works fine for the image component.

Yes! We tried to troubleshoot this, and found out that the PDF component does not work with redirects - causing us headaches!

Thanks @ousamp @oles for this feedback! I've surfaced both of your interest in this on an internal request for our eng team. Will update here if/when this is prioritized.

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Hi @kbn,
is there any way to get this prioritized?
We are forced to use an iframe as a workaround, which only works on firefox.
This falls into pretty basic functionality imho.

@ousamp hmm I wonder why the iframe wouldn't be working in browsers besides Firefox. :thinking: Can you please share the specific pdf link and confirm if there are any console errors in the browser when using the iframe in a browser that's not Firefox?