PDF Component Set Page Method

From the PDF Component I would like to be able to Get and Set the Current Page by page number using Javascript.


Hi @corytomlinson Thanks for this feedback! I've shared this internally as well


+1, also pls add click, hover, change event.

Hi @AnsonHwang,

Thanks for the request - I'm filing this as well.

Do you want event triggers for click and hover anywhere on the pdf component? For change, do you mean page change or pdf data source change?

Yes, I think so, it is useful to show something about pdf file information.

My origin thought was this, but

is a good idea too.


Would also love this. And show the page number in the component.

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+1 here much needed! any updates ?

No updates yet :disappointed: We're still tracking requests for these features!

@Tess Any updates on this? At the very least I'd like to see which page I'm on!