@Params in SQL query not working

  • Goal: I am trying to consume variables or selected items in a sql query(stored procedure)

  • Steps: I have tried using {{select1.selectedItem.value}}, but running the sql uses '@param1' instead of the value
    I have tried storing the value in a variable , and running the sql with {{variable1.value}} and it still sends '@param1'
    instead of the value
    I have tried with and without adding the variable or select to additionalScope on the query itself or adding a script to use query1.trigger({additionalScope:{...}})

inspecting the select state shows that select1.selectedItem.value is set

  • Screenshots:

Looks like the N prefix in the query breaks the string interpolation

@PricingProgramName = N{{@param1}} evaluates to N@param1

@PricingProgramName = {{@param1}} evaluates to 'myParam1Value'

Is this expected behavior?

Hi @brian.hickey could you try {{'N'+textInputPricingProgramJSON.value}} instead?

Placing text next to dynamic values can sometimes get interpolated incorrectly