Pagination issue (client side) table

hi when i have server page pagination

i got 16k results, but after i changed that to client side:

i got 2.8K, why is that?i would like to load all in client side, as my client wants to be able to SORT per column, and im not sure if thats is possible with server side pagination

Hi @agaitan026, during server-side pagination the total row count is determined by the number specified (in the first screenshot, it looks like {{ }}).

In client-side pagination, the total row count is determined by the length of your data, or {{ }}. Hope this helps!

You'll have to look at the difference between your rowcount query and your Table's data query to find why there might be different data counts there. Hope this helps!

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yeah theres a diff

when i run the exact query in a dbeaver it get the correct results but on retool im getting 2K results only, same query

its strange

    {{ ! cedula.value }}
    OR c.cedula ILIKE {{ '%' + cedula.value + '%' }}
  AND (
    {{ ! nivel.value }}
    OR c.nivel ILIKE {{ '%' + nivel.value + '%' }}
  AND (
    {{ ! analista.value }}
    OR c.analista ILIKE {{ '%' + analista.value + '%' }}
  AND (
    {{ ! nombre.value }}
    OR c.nombres ILIKE {{ '%' + nombre.value + '%' }}
  AND (
    {{ ! apellido.value }}
    OR c.apellidos ILIKE {{ '%' + apellido.value + '%' }}
  AND (
    {{ ! notas.value }}
    OR c.notas ILIKE {{ '%' + notas.value + '%' }}
  AND (
    {{ubicacion.value.length === 0}}
    OR c.ubicacion = ANY ({{ ubicacion.value }})
  AND (
    {{motivo.value.length === 0}}
    OR o.motivo = ANY ({{ motivo.value }})
  AND (
    {{sector.value.length === 0}}
    OR c.sector = ANY ({{ sector.value }})
  AND (
    {{acreedor.value.length === 0}}
    OR c.acreedor = ANY ({{ acreedor.value }})
  AND (
    {{sucursal.value.length === 0}}
    OR c.sucursal = ANY ({{ sucursal.value }})
  AND (
    {{analista.value.length === 0}}
    OR c.analista = ANY ({{ analista.value }})
  AND (
    {{nivel.value.length === 0}}
    OR c.nivel = ANY ({{ nivel.value }})
  AND (
    {{ ! rangodefecha.value.start }}
    OR (
      o.fechaproxima_llamada <= {{moment(rangodefecha.value.end).format('YYYY-MM-DD') }}
      AND o.fechaproxima_llamada >= {{moment(rangodefecha.value.start).format('YYYY-MM-DD') }}

if i remove this custom filters from query then it got the correct rowcount in client side pagination, what is wrong with those filters? @victoria @Kabirdas @ScottR @dcartlidge

issue was {{ ! nivel.value }}
OR c.nivel ILIKE {{ '%' + nivel.value + '%' }}
) i got this duplicated, now its fixed.

thank you