"Only one auth mechanism allowed; only the X-Amz-Algorithm query parameter, Signature query string parameter or the Authorization header should be specified" error on API call

Great day everyone!

Looking for some guide on an error I'm getting when running an API call on a workflow. I successfully setup a resource to connect to checkout.com API and when I run the query on a Workflow it comes back with the info I need (a report list).

However when I run the same API call but with a different query I'm getting an error message that says "Only one auth mechanism allowed; only the X-Amz-Algorithm query parameter, Signature query string parameter or the Authorization header should be specified". And the url sent in the request is correct.

I've confirmed the request works when I send it through Postman.

Is this an error / bug on Retools side? Or am I doing something wrong in a setup somewhere?

Additionally in retool I've configured a 2nd resource with a different set of private keys generated in checkout.com but the problem persists.

Any info is highly appreciated.

*Redactions are due to sensitive information.

Hi, I'm seeing the same response in Retool and have also verified it works in Postman. @Jose_Cifuentes did you find a fix for this by chance?

For context, I'm trying to run a simply REST GET providing an Auth Token and Cookie (both returned successfully by a separate call)


Hey @Matt_Kory! Happy to help here. What resource/endpoint are you trying to connect to? And would you mind sharing a screenshot of both your Retool and Postman configs to see if we can find the difference?

Hi @victoria Thanks for the reply. It's REST endpoint designed to bring back a signed S3 URL. I have confirmed the URL, Authorization Token, and Cookie all match between the two environments and have tried having the Cookie in the Cookie section as well as the Header of the Retool Resource configuration (no luck either way)

Thank you.

Postman Screenshot

Retool Screenshot(s)

Hi @victoria any update on this error?

@victoria Quick bump on this... just wondering if anyone else reported this error and what the workaround might be. Thanks!

Hey Jose and Matt! Sorry for the delay here, still making my way through my queue.

The error message seems to suggest that there might be an issue with the authentication mechanism you're using when making the API call. The message indicates that only one authentication mechanism is allowed, and it lists the allowed options: X-Amz-Algorithm query parameter, Signature query string parameter, or the Authorization header. What kind of auth are you using in Retool? I assume you have some sort of auth setup in your resource itself?

Googling the error message ("Only one auth mechanism allowed; only the X-Amz-Algorithm query parameter, Signature query string parameter or the Authorization header should be specified") does populate quite a few results, but I haven't yet found anything directly helpful.