On every refresh/reload 2 queries show "Another user just made edits to this file" and fail

Every time I navigate to my app (or refresh), I notice that there are 2 queries that have a message "Another user just made edits to this file" giving me options to refresh or override.

  1. If I do neither (or run the app as a user would rather than in app edit mode), the queries don't run properly.
  2. If I click on either refresh or override, the queries run properly and I get the expected output.
  3. If I modify the code (add a space character) and save, the queries run properly and I get the expected output.

Irrespective of what I do, EVERY time I refresh the page or navigate to it, I see the same message if I'm in app edit mode, or they just don't work if I'm accessing it as a regular user.

Hey there! Would you be able to share a video of the isuse you're seeing? I'm not able to reproduce this issue on my end and I'm only ever correctly seeing the message when someone does indeed edit my app and I'm able to continue to use my app with the latest change whilst ignoring this message.

Can you also confirm that you're saying you're seeing this error even when no-one actually edits the app?

Any other details you can share that would help me troubleshoot/escalate this issue would be really helpful, thanks!

I am seeing the same thing in almost every app I am in... @Tess @Kabirdas @victoria

Ack! Thank you for letting us know @SunilDe and thank you for the bump @ScottR. Do either of you have multiplayer enabled in your orgs?

Yes. I do - but does this mean that even if I edit it myself and am the only person working on the app that I will still see this notification?

I think your hunch is correct, you shouldn't be seeing the error if you're the only person working on the app :thinking: Do you have 2+ tabs open by any chance? If you edit an app in one tab and view the app in another tab, the message will pop up.

OK so even if I view the app, that will happen? Considering I am not editing it....I don't think it should be there even if I am viewing it in another tab....IMHO

Correct! We don’t support live editing (yet) so this is actually the expected behavior (for now).

To double check, the app you're editing on isn’t getting the notification, but the app you're viewing is getting the notification?

The app I am editing
So in tab 1 I am editing.
I then right click on the current version and preview it in new tab (tab 2)
Go back to tab1 and see notification

I am going to turn off multiplayer editing for now

Interesting—that doesn't sound right. Will continue looking into this with eng!

We found a bug here :bug: Thank you for the report, Scott! We'll hopefully have good news soon.

We had multiplayer enabled when I first saw this issue. I assumed it was a bug related to this beta feature, so disabled it.

It happens even when this is the ONLY tab with the app open (counting edit mode and non-edit mode as the app being open)

Just shared that context with the Multiplayer team. Thank you! :+1:

We just pushed a fix for this bug (there may be a couple here, but specifically: two tabs, edit query on one and save, other tab click refresh. then refresh original tab. Unwanted notification).

Thank you for bringing it to our attention and let us know how the fix looks! It should go live with our next deploy, which will likely be after the Thanksgiving holiday, the week of Nov 27th.