OAuth2 token for multiple users

Use Google APIs with multiple different users of the same organization.


Now I want my other users to use the apps with the API functionality.
I have changed the callback in the cloud to: https://oauth.retool.com/oauth/oauthcallback as described in the document above.
I can connect and I am still connected if I open Retool from another user account:


But if I run the app and run a query/API call, I get the following debug message:

The files I am trying to access are shared on my google drive:

Any pointers welcome!

Hi @Dominik_Poignee,

Just wanted to confirm some details - is this accurate of your use case:

-OAuth working for you when logged in as admin
-You've enabled "share credentials" so that other users can use the resource that you've already authenticated
-When they run the exact same query that worked for you, they get a 4xx error

Do you have edit access when logging in to your non-admin account? If so, it might help to preview the query so that we can see what access token is being used (tokens aren't sanitized when Previewing the query)

Hi Tess,

thank you for your reply. I can't really reproduce the error anymore. After trying many time, I deleted the resource and set it up again fresh. Not sure what I did differently, but it works now.