Number input form erratic behaviour


I have multiple unexpected behaviours with the number inputs inside a form. Data source is from a table selected source row, each component using form data key, without a default value for text & number input.

  • When allow null is false, and I clear the component using the component clear button, the value is set to 0 :ok:
  • When allow null is false, and I clear the form using an event handler form.clear(), the value is set to null :x:
    • Expected behaviour: clear form and component both set value to 0
  • When allow null is false, and the value is set and different than 0, and I clear the component using the component clear button, 1 click sets it to 0, the second click clears it completely :x:
    • Expected behaviour: clear component sets value to 0

FYI, my API doesn't accept null values, and this is creating errors when I sen the form :slight_smile:

There were some other weird things but I couldn't reproduce them.


In order to better assist you, can you let me know whether you're using an on-cloud instance or are you self hosted? Also, what version are you using?
