Not awaiting query called in forEach loop

I'm likely missing something here, but am trying to call two update queries using a forEach loop, but need to wait until that loop is done before refreshing the page. I have tried using async await everywhere I can and calling refreshTable query on success of the javaScript query, but that didn't work either. The only thing I've had work is is the timeout function I have commented out.

async function update1(item) {
  await updateQuery1.trigger({
    additionalScope: {
      scope1: textBox.value,
      scope2: item.value,

async function update2(item) {
  await updateQuery2.trigger({
    additionalScope: {
      scope1: textBox.value,
      scope2: item.value,

await table.value.forEach(await update1);
await update2);
//setTimeout(() => {
//}, 500);

It looks like javascript does not await forEach loops.