Node.js server exists upon error

Why does Node.js server crashes/exists when it encounters a recoverable error?

The error is documented here: Error: queryCallback is not a function

This is really bothersome, as the server takes a while to restart, and users are experiencing error screens.

Is this intended? I'd imagine only truly fatal errors should results in the entire server c

Sorry, got cut off.

... results in the entire server crash.

Hello @m_0!

That is a great question, I can check with our team to learn more about if this is intended behavior for non-fatal errors, or if this error is serious enough to warrant the server crashing :thinking:

It looks like from the error message in the other post that you linked that the error is given the tag of fatal in which case a server crash makes sense.

Should it be given a different tag, potentially :thinking: if you would like I can try to further track down how that specific error is being tagged/categorized and if that is something we can change and if it warrant the fatal tag!

Okay, I agree on the fatal treatment. In these cases, a complete server reload is the recommended approach.

However, disagree on this particular error being a fatal one. It's just a query timeout. In my opinion, that error should be caught and not even be a backend error per se, but surface this to the user properly via "Your query timed out" notification.

Yes I 100% agree @m_0!

I can flag this for our engineers to take a look at. Would love to have it replaced with something like you said of "Your query timed out, please increase the time via x variable in your config to give the DB connector more time to complete".

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