No option to disable check box in list collection

Just run into this issue, not exactly a bug, must be overlooked. Or maybe I'm using it unintended

Use case:

  • I'm using list collection as an interactive todo checklist
  • can't use checkbox group due it how it handles checked /unchecked value
  • there's no option on collection level to disable check box
  • If I put the collection inside the form and disable the form, the property doesn't apply to list collection

Can you share more information? Screenshots of the components?

Hi @rxunique The Checkbox actions on a List Collection component can't be disabled, so this is not supported at the moment. I've passed along your interest in a configurable Disabled property on these Checkbox Actions internally, and I'll post here if that functionality is added!

For now, I think you would need to either resort to configuring the Hidden property on the List Collection to hide it when the form should be disabled OR use a different component. If you could elaborate on why the Checkbox group isn't viable, we could explore any potential workarounds.

I hope one of those suggestions works for your use case!