New table tags array not saving to Google Sheet

Hey there,
I'm trying to find an array resulting from the new table's tags property. The property is filled with mapped data from another sheet displaying entities with a label. I want to save the ID's basically something loike ["2ce", "3r3r3gc"] in the Google Sheet.

Howeve, when using {{ table1.changesetArray }} so save the updated fields I get an error
Invalid data[2]: Invalid values[1][0]: list_value { values { string_value: "3r3r3gc" } values { string_value: "3r3r33" } }

    • error:true
    • message:"Invalid data[2]: Invalid values[1][0]: list_value { values { string_value: "3r3r3gc" } values { string_value: "3r3r33" } } "
    • :arrow_forward:

queryExecutionMetadata:{} 5 keys
* estimatedResponseSizeBytes:178
* resourceTimeTakenMs:1060
* isPreview:false
* resourceType:"googlesheets"
* lastReceivedFromResourceAt:1699101118338

It seems the query cannot save an array and I'd need to stringify it, right? However changeSetArray doesn't allow me to mutate the data. What could I do?

I figured a solution out with ChatGPT. This works:

{{ => ({
  indication: JSON.stringify(change.indication)
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