New: Notifications Settings and UI

This is a step in the right direction -- However can we add the ability for custom logic for these failure / success notifications? We would like for our error messages to be displayed but it is currently not possible with the current configuration settings

MaxTruck, could you be more specific with what kind of logic you're looking for? It's possible we may have it already, but if we don't, I'll bring this up with the team with everything else :smile:

All of our error responses come in the form { 'message': 'there was an error with your API request'}, and we would like for the default for all API errors to show this display message in a notification. At current state, as far as I understand, we have to manually create a notification for every rest API resource query via an event handler where it is used.

Current state: (no error message)

What I want is to configure globally for everywhere we use a specific resource

Which is only possible at current state with event handlers for every single implementation, which shouldn't be necessary :frowning:

Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, it's possible to format your messages in toasts based on the response you get (both in event handlers or even as failure conditions). And you are correct: there's currently no way to format these by default. I can see how that can be annoying, especially if the resource you're working with has a very consistent pattern that you'd like applied everywhere.

I will bring this up with the team! :+1:

Example of using failure conditions: