New Guide: Create a ChatGPT style prompt clone for smarter apps

TL;DR Whether you’re building advanced dashboards, improving customer interactions, or just exploring what AI can do for your apps, this guide has got you covered.

First up - thanks to everyone who helped us playtest this over the last few weeks.

We’ve just published a tutorial on Weavy that takes you through integrating conversational AI with Retool. If you’re looking to enhance your apps with AI-driven capabilities, this guide and this Loom covers everything you need to get started.

With OpenAI in your toolkit, you can build applications that do more—think intelligent user interactions, automated insights, and enhanced decision-making.

What’s covered:

  • Basics: How Weavy and Retool work together
  • Step-by-Step Setup: A no-nonsense guide to getting AI Chat using OpenAI up and running in your Retool app.

Check out the full tutorial and this Loom for everything you need to get started.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and any ideas you have for future content, and especially to see any examples you build. Thanks again to everyone who helped us playtest this.

To learn more about all the ways Weavy enhances Retool, check out the Loom with founder Rickard. And if you liked this, we have a ton more tutorials over on Weavy, with more to come.

Have a great day folks,

Mark // Weavy


I'm not sure how to point this out politely, but it feels... wrong... to have your logo disappear on scroll and then it looks "Retool Official"

Hey Kevin,

That is a totally fair point and not something I actually spotted. Wood from the trees stuff. Appreciate the heads up. Have asked the guys to modify this so it is clear.

Thanks for the input!

Meantime, let me know if you try the tutorial. So keen to see what folks think.


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