Hey Retool builders! We're thrilled to announce a new feature that will turbocharge your building experience: the Retool VS Code Extension!
Our extension lets you bring the local dev setup you prefer to Retool when editing SQL, JS, and other code blocks. Say hello to the window layouts, custom keybindings, and third-party extensions you’re familiar with. Here’s what you can expect:
Hot reloading: As you save code in VS Code, our extension automatically syncs the query body to your Retool instance and refreshes any open browser windows.
Real files, real power: Our extension saves queries to your local disk, so linters, generative AI, source control, and other parts of your dev workflow will integrate seamlessly.
JS type hints: While editing a JS file, VS Code will provide autocomplete suggestions related to Retool. Enjoy type hints for widget names, Retool utilities, browser variables and more!
The Retool VS Code Extension is in public beta, available on Retool cloud today and for on-premise versions 3.24+.
Download the extension from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace to get started or check out the docs here.