Nested Form Data Keys

Is it possible to have nested form data keys? For example I have the following data (sample data to be an example, not actual data of course) as the source for a form:

  "name": "James",
  "website": "",
  "social_media": {
    "facebook": "",
    "twitter": ""

I want to set be able to set a form data key to name, or social_media.facebook, to be able to autopopulate from the source.

I am thinking of just flattening the data in a transform, but ideally this wouldn't be necessary.

Any advice or other workarounds would be appreciated.

Also interested in this - currently when I set the "Form data key" to something like this:


The key is then stringified as "address.line1".

Hi there,

I don't believe this is supported yet; moving this to feature requests!

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we need this...

Hi there, This hasn't been added to our roadmap yet :disappointed: Would you be able to work around this limitation by transforming your data to be an object with a depth of only 1?

In the first example provided,

{ "name": "James", "website": "", "social_media": { "facebook": "", "twitter": "" } }

could be transformed with JS to:

{ "name": "James", "website": "", "socialmediafacebook": "", "socialmediatwitter": "" }

This is exactly what I did the couple times I ran into this. For those coming across this in the future, this function should unnest a object recursively, adding periods between the keys. Probably isn't perfect but will give you a good starting point to work from. My original example would look like this:

{ "name": "James", "website": "", "socialmedia.facebook": "", "socialmedia.twitter": "" }

const flattenObj = (obj) => {
    let result = {};
     for (const i in obj) {
        if ((typeof obj[i]) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj[i])) {
            const temp = flattenObj(obj[i]);
            for (const j in temp) {
                 result[i + '.' + j] = temp[j];
         else {
            result[i] = obj[i];
    return result;

Hope this helps!