Need Support on CUSTOM REST API POST Request Integration

Hi Team,

We use Retool UI for most of our applications and we’re doing it for quite long time.
Right now we’ve a specific requirement and we’re not sure about retool can handle it or not.

In this case

  1. We want the input form in Retool UI. But on hitting submit button, it should trigger a HTTP REST API (POST Method) with form inputs in payload (JSON format).
    a. We want to use our own custom REST API, developed using AWS for specific purpose.
  2. This will trigger an AWS Glue service and required output will be generated in the S3 bucket.
  3. Then finally the output file should get listed in Retool UI for download.

Let me know if this is possible or not. We want to make sure this scenarios possibility before it becomes late.
If yes. Please share the demo project and its documentation for reference.

Even please let us know if any of the above 3 points is possible or not.

Hi @vijayraj_incedo

Thanks for reaching out!

1) You should be able to do this by adding your custom api as a resource using our REST API integration. Then, you can create a POST query for your resource:

2). Can you share more about how this works? Will this step happen automatically outside of Retool or is it something you want to trigger from Retool? If it will happen in Retool, is there an API we can call? Does it require the AWS SDK?

3) The output will be in S3? We have an S3 integration. You can add queries to fetch a file & download a file from s3:

If all three events will happen in Retool, you can chain them on success of one another.

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Hi Tess,

Thanks for the information you shared. I managed to resolve this issue using Private API Gateway configuration in AWS. Thanks again for the help.
I need one more thing! Could you please elaborate the S3 file download process?
What are the configuration changes need to be done on AWS side to make it work?
This piece of information can really help me.
Thanks Again :slight_smile:

Glad you were able to resolve! If possible, I'd recommend copying the cors & IAM policy from the docs: