Need help formatting multiple selections from listbox using js map() function

  • Goal: bulk insert to a table using selected items from a multiselect listbox and values from dropdowns

  • Steps: I've searched multiple resources online for the correct syntax

  • Details: I am struggling with the map() function ( I am very new to javascript but have experience with VB and Python)

  • Screenshots:

I'm using Redshift, and I have a table named tblISCI_Override with three fields, WeekOf, BadISCI and GoodISCI. The form on the right side of my image shows the bad ISCI (a value not found in another table), a dropdown of good values, and the weeks the bad values were found. I am trying to populate the tblISCI_Override table with these inputs but I am not able to get the javascript syntax correct to create the array of values that will be inserted.

I have zero days' experience with javascript but about a year's worth experience with Python and sadly 20 years experience with VB/VBA. I'm primarily a database developer.

Hey there @chris_casualprecision,

So if I'm understanding correctly the labels will be different but badisci and goodisci will remain constant, right?

If so, the following may help: => {
  const txtinput1_value = txtinput1.value;
  const cboGoodISCI_value = cboGoodISCI.value;

  return {
    weekof: x.label,
    badisci: txtinput1_value,
    goodisci: cboGoodISCI_value

this got me a little further, but I'm stuck with an error stating "Records must be an array". This is what I have in the query definition where I'm trying to specify the bulk records to insert:

Hi @chris_casualprecision,

Javascript in GUI mode needs to be fully wrapped in one set of double curly brackets

Does it work if you remove the {{}} around tblBadISCIs.selectedRow.isci and cboGoodISCI.value, and then wrap the whole code in {{}}

Also, it looks like you need to add return { after the arrow (=>) and a space and closing } before the closing parentheses

I implemented your suggestion but I'm not getting the labels that are selected from the multiselect list in the results as shown in the image below:

I'm reading up on Transformers. Perhaps I need to call the update query for each checked item?

the issue was inside the map function I was using "x.label" when I should have just used "x". This worked for me:

{{>{return {'weekof': x,
 'badisci': tblBadISCIs.selectedRow.isci,
 'goodisci': cboGoodISCI.value } }) }}

Glad to hear!