Navigation with same label

I have a navigation with sub-menus that points to different app versions.


  • Version 1 (linked to store app version 1)
  • Version 2 (linked to store app version 2)


  • Version 1 (linked to order app version 1)
  • Version 2 (linked to order app version 2)

Now, if I click the Version 2 of Orders, i got redirected to Store Version 2 app, same goes to version 1 menus.

Hi @marcbevz,

I'm not sure I understand what is it that you're asking. Is it that you want to have only 1 icon that links to version 1 or version 2 depending on a condition that you define?

Sorry, if I did not presented it well, my concern is, it does not go/redirect to apps that is set. example: I clicked Orders > Version 2, it should go to Orders v2 app but no, it goes to Store v2 app instead.

Thank you @marcbevz,

Would you mind sharing a couple of screenshots of your set up so we can troubleshoot?

I'm facing a similar issue, the navigation component linked app routing is misbehaving, if you have several menu items with submenus, but the submenus have similar names if you navigate to one submenu which is not the submenu of the first menu item. It routes you the app connected to the submenu with same label under the first menu item. Which is not what i clicked on.
Issue seem to be fixed now though when i was trying to make screenshots.

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Issue has occurred again.
I actually navigated to All under Identifications menu but it sent me to all-customers which is the "All" under Customers menu, and all similarly named labels are highlighted in the navigation menu. @MiguelOrtiz @ZeroCodez

Hi @marcbevz & @Nasirullah, sorry to hear that you ran into this bug! Our on call team is working on a fix :pray: It looks like they should have a fix shipped very soon :crossed_fingers:

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It should be fixed now :slightly_smiling_face: please let me know if you're still seeing the bug on your side


It's fixed now, thank you. @Tess

Thank you, already working on my end.