My charts won't sync with my table updates


My table has various custom columns I've built, and I also can apply filters to my table, but none of these get updated in my charts, even when I set my chart to be I know there has to be a way for the chart to reference the live data in the table, and to bring in the custom columns that I've built, but I can't seem to figure that out. Why would that be and how can I fix it? Thank you.

I think you can try to use a JavaScript query to return the table's displayed data and then use that query as the source for your chart:

Just this should work to see if it renders the data properly:
return yourTable.getDisplayedData()

FYI: if you are making changes to the table data, they will not be rendered until you have saved the changes. If this is a problem, you may need to merge the changesetArray of the table into the displayed data and then return that as the result instead.

Where exactly do I write this code? Not in my chart's data source, correct? (That failed).

In a separate JavaScript query. Then you use the JS Query as the data source for your chart.

The async getDisplayedData() function returns a promise so it needs to resolve (which I don't think can/should be done as an in-line statement).