Modules in apps do not work properly

Modules are not working properly time to time.

Anyone experienced it before?

I inserted a module to an app (highlighted in blue) and filter component linked to the table do not work properly.

It solely works fine when I edited in a module mode.

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Thank you for reaching out about this Retool bug :disappointed: It does appear to be an issue with the link to table feature not working correctly with modules. I'll reach out here if we're able to ship a fix!

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This should be fixed now! Let us know if you're still seeing any issues

Hello! I am still experiencing this same issue. I have a filter component linked to a table that works fine in its own module, but doesn't work when I put that module in an app. Has this fix been pushed to all users?


Hi @ilowe It has shipped to all Cloud users. Are you using Retool on-prem by any chance? If so, the fix won't be out for a couple of weeks

Hi, I'm still experiencing the same error. The filter inside the module works perfectly, but it stops working when it is inside an app (it doesn't show the columns of the linked table). I am using the cloud platform.

Hi, I'm still experiencing the same error. The filter inside the module works perfectly, but it stops working when it is inside an app (it doesn't show the columns of the linked table). I am using the cloud platform.



Hi there! I see what you mean :disappointed: I will flag this to our team for a fix

In the last 24 hours this has also affected the submit button for the form component in modules; I am able to submit forms from my module view but not from the app itself.

Are you still seeing this issue? I'm not able to reproduce this on my side :thinking: Hope it's resolved :crossed_fingers:, but if not, it's definitely something we want to investigate. Could you share a JSON export?

Your teammate Everett is working on it over here: Submit button on module doesn't work in one specific app but does in all other scenarios - #4 by everett_smith

I sent him my JSON via DM. Not sure if there was followup or not