Module output value behaving differently than when editting

Hello Community!

I created a module that allows the user to select products, define a quantity and a sale price. This would then be the detail for a sale or a purchase order. This can be used in may places this is why i created it as a module.

This module is based on a listView. I can create an array of products.

I store the products array structured like this:

  productId: null,
  productQty: 1,
  productCost: 0

And then I assign the this value to an output, to be called in parent apps.

When I am building this module, everything works OK. The "products " variable gets updated each time I change any field with the new values. I can add products, change prices and everything. However, when I use this in another module, when I change the values, the output values behhave incorrectly, different than how they do when editing the module.

Is this a bug? Is there something that I am not considering?

product selector.json (43.2 KB)
new order.json (100.9 KB)

@ggallese did you find an answer to this issue? We are experiencing the same behavior - then module is used in the parent app, output of the module doesn't get updated as it does when you are editing the module itself.

Hi @MaksTricity

Thanks for chiming in. Could you share an app export or screenshots? That could help us sort out the issue.

I tested the modules above, but on my side, I was seeing incorrect behavior in both the first module and the second. Switching the run script events on the list view's nested components to be set variable events seems to have solved it :crossed_fingers: