Modify filter in retool table that can involve multiple AND or OR statements

Hi there. New to retool so am hoping to find some answers to my questions. I'm wondering whether there's a way, using this table filter I can make multiple and or or statements. I've found that when I select a statement in my first condition, it cannot be changed when it comes to adding a second condition. I know you can use either statements in an sql query e.g WHERE (condition1 AND condition2) OR (condition3 AND condition4); but is this something I can do using this filter to allow a more user friendly approach for my app user?

Untitled (1)

Hi @ArT1! In the "Add" dropdown, you can select "Add filter group" to add a nested clause, so the filter could look something like this:

You can also achieve these filters by running a script on an event handler to set the filter stack -- the example below matches the filter output I've shown in the screenshot!

  filters: [
      filters: [
        { columnId: "id", operator: "<=", value: 10 },
        { columnId: "id", operator: ">=", value: 8 },
      operator: 'and'
      filters: [
        { columnId: "id", operator: "<=", value: 5 },
        { columnId: "id", operator: ">=", value: 3 },
      operator: 'and'
  operator: "or",

You can nest as much as you want following this convention!

You're a star. Thank you so much :blush: