Modal to log in


I would like to have a modal opening to login to an app so that user can enter a token. It would then automatically customize the app fields according to the specified token. The list of tokens would be store in a googlesheet. It is not aimed for security but to help users pre-fill a customized app (e.g. form).
I know how to do it by adding a token url parameter but I would like the app to stop loading and request a token/password.
It is possible?

thank you,


Hey Olivier!

Are you looking for something like a custom auth popup?

Or something more like this? Basically, this is an app with a modal that opens on page load. I added a few small touches that you can check out in the app export below! Here are a few:\

  • Used app level CSS to hide the close button
  • Added two event handlers on the "Go to app" button. One to close the modal and one to run a query to update a Google Sheet with the submitted ID
  • Hid all components if {{modal1.opened}}, which is a boolean property that returns true if the modal is open

See attached app JSON if you want to poke around with my setup! You can import this JSON file by clicking Create new (home page) > From JSON. Quick docs on exporting/importing apps here.

Let me know if you have any questions at all!

thanks a lot!