These are all hidden modal buttons - most of the time I like to trigger modals not using the modal button but based on a user's actions - hence all the clutter of hidden modal buttons. Is there anyway that we could create modals without having a hidden button on the page, this would make the workspace quite a bit cleaner Thanks!
This would be a great feature, I've gone ahead and written this up as an internal feature request and added you to it. I will update this thread as I have more news on this! :)
I apologize, I misunderstood. You would still need to have the model button hidden on the screen. Events just allow you to trigger (open/close) the modal without a JS Query now.
Modals should be served up in event handlers, rather than tied to a button component (with limited customisability vs the actual button component - no icons!), so they can be triggered from other components (tables, split buttons, inputs etc.) and queries.