Modal - Predefined Color "danger" showing as white

Hi guys, I guess I found a bug:

If I select a predefined color like "danger" for a modal background it disappears (white background). If I change the color to the hex value of "danger" it works.

Related Bug Post:


Apologies for the very busy image, but I've encountered a similar issue where danger resolves to undefined and shows up as black instead.

Affects both the text color and the border color. Expecting the input for 'site' to be in red.

warning, other vars and custom hex works fine.
danger works fine when used by default from the drop down without logic.

self hosted, backend: 3.12.1

Seeing the same issue here. When selecting "Danger", the modal button background appears to be white, then changes to black when hovering.

ReTool Cloud, v3.16.0 (10/8/2023)

Very interesting! :thinking: I'm seeing the same issue. I'll inform our team & keep you posted on a fix

Hi there! This should be fixed now :slightly_smiling_face:

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