Modal/Drawer Frames overlay gets too dark

Hello, when using multiple modal or drawer frames with Show overlay option enabled, the overlay gets too dark and seems odd


I suggest when multiple frames are visible only show just one overlay

Use case: I have forms where you can open other forms (in drawer frames)

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My workaround:

Code for each button that opens a Modal/Drawer frame: // 1, 2, 3 ...
let vFrames = visibleFrames.value // get visibleFrames array
vFrames.push("drawerFrame1") // add the last opened frame to the array
variable1.setValue(vFrames) // store the result to the variable

Code for each button that closes a Modal/Drawer frame:

drawerFrame1.hide() // 1, 2, 3 ...
let vFrames = visibleFrames.value // get visibleFrames array
vFrames.pop() // pop the last opened frame from the array
variable1.setValue(vFrames)) // store the result to the variable

Code for each Modal/Drawer frame's Show overlay option:

// if visibleFrames last item is the modal/drawer frame itself, show its overlay
{{ visibleFrames.value[visibleFrames.value.length-1] == }}
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Hi @Oscar_Ortega, thank you for your feedback! We created a feature request for this! :slightly_smiling_face:

We removed the solution mark for the topic to stay open in order to collect +1s from other users.