Missing projects on new Retool EC2 instance


We've recently decided to move from our VPN network and establish a public EC2 instance that will be available to the whole Internet.

These are the steps I did:

  • I've created a snapshot of our database that was under the vpn
  • Then I created database based on that snapshot that is now publicly available
  • I've created new AMI from our EC2 instance that has Retool under the vpn
  • I've then created EC2 instance based on this AMI that is available to the whole Internet
  • Finally, I've switched the database connection in docker.env from protected to the newly created (not-protected) database.

Unfortunately, when I visit the retool I dont see any projects / folders.
However, when I connect to the DB I see that folder table has data.

What am I doing wrong?

Hey @nemanjajuice! When you logged into the new instance, did you have to Sign up, or Log in? If you logged in, then we know at least some of that data is available to the Retool instance.

Can you share a screenshot of the network tab when you visit the homepage?

Also assume that projects here refers to the individual apps that you have created? To confirm that they exist in that snapshot, can you check that they are available in the pages table of the DB?

One other thing to check is the ENCRYPTION_KEY env var that is set on the instance. Can you confirm that value is the same in the new EC2 instance as it was in the previous instance?