I think it's a fairly known issue that the multi-user and lack of true branches can cause issues with Retool. On more than one occasion, we've had people doing work "in parallel" only to realize one person had overwritten the other.
To avoid this, we have a best practice to always close any retool tabs when not working -- and to reload the page before beginning any work. But if that is forgotten, it can lead to the above.
Our other rule is to create 'checkpoints' by creating draft releases. At least this allows us to revert to a version, create a clone if needed, and then copy things over from one version to another since there is no real "merge".
What would be really nice, is when comparing versions, something like when using
That "Merge change" in one direction or the other would be HUGE in recovering or merging versions.
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Hi Shawn! Have you seen our recent multiplayer feature? Multiplayer | Retool Docs
It should resolve issues you've noticed previously with inactive tabs losing app writes. With multiplayer, you can now have sessions open in any tab and all the changes will be synced conflict-free.
@Iva_Milo yes, we've had that enabled for quite a while as we joined the beta as soon as we knew about it. Unfortunately, there have still been some issues.
Even if there weren't, I think this is still a valuable feature as it would still allow you to easily merge components or sections from different versions. We like to test things out, A/B testing, revert back, etc. but can't ever revert "just one thing" back -- it's either completely to a previous version or nothing.
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I also face this problem. Thanks for sharing.
Yes definitely the feature would be useful on its own. Just want to make sure we can resolve the need to close and refresh tabs. I reached out to you via email about the multiplayer issues!
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