Match the colors between the avatar circle and row item colors


Can the selected Avatar "fallback" circle colour match the colour of the "item" in the list like the "Tag" format, as currently it doesn't seem to?

Hi @jclutterbuck!

As you've mentioned, the Tag format is the best option to have the custom colors match the dropdown colors.

But I'd love to put in a product feature request for you- what is the use case of using the Avatar format over Tag? And how are the data and colors being populated for the options dropdown?

Thanks @Eugene_Lee,

In this case I am using the Fallback text to add a numeral in the Avatar 'circle' to represent a priority value. Hence why I am using Avatar as opposed to tag. For me this feature is "low priority" but seems to make sense that the colours should match when they are provided.

I have added colour fields to a lot of my data so as I begin to populate this data the colours will come from there.

Grateful for your response as always,


Appreciate the additional context. I was able to use the Tag format to set a fallback "priority" and get consistent custom colors between the option dropdown and the row item. Please let me know if this workaround works for you.

A feature request has also been submitted to match the colors between the avatar circle and row item colors. Will follow back up here if this feature ships!

Yeah, not quite what I was looking for, but I see how this is nearly there.

I'll probably wait for a while in hope of this feature shipping and then I might have to switch.

@jclutterbuck I believe the avatar column type was meant to render images/account headshots/logos.

With the colors being a secondary backup when no picture was found. As Eugene said above, the tags are the best option for color coding.

It all depends on the data source that the column/options are mapping over. If you have the data hard coded they should match, as it sounds like you said above you are adding color fields to the data to get the number/severity/color to all match up to what you want.

Will keep you updated on the feature request!