Mapping filtered data for Dropdown Select Component

I am trying to map the dropdown options in the Single Select component that is filtered by the urlparam. The JS is working and pulling the values as an array but it is not populating the dropdown.
Here is the output when I hover.

Here is the dropdown with empty options

Here is the JS I am using

{{ => entry.agency_location_ID === urlparams.locationid).map(entry => entry.location_id)}}

This doing what I need it to do by filtering the data in getPartners via the agency_location_ID which is equal to the urlparams.locationid and returning the location_id s.

I have seen in other posts that this can be used


I have tried different configurations of fitting my code in and I am not getting any output to show on the dropdown.
How can my filter and the dropdown setting be combined to populate the dropdown?

thanks in advance!

Hi @Harrison_Riehle

Thanks for reaching out! I'd try switching the Data source to Javascript and putting part of your code there: => entry.agency_location_ID === urlparams.locationid)

Then, the value would be {{item.location_id}} and the label would be {{item.dealer_company}}