So there's a few other posts about looping to call a Rest API but none of them seem to capture my use case where I only know I've reached the end of the pages to call, when I get less than 100 results.
I'm sure I could do this in a self calling iterative workflow but:
- I shouldn't have to
- It will have a huge impact on the billable runs for zero value add.
- The below should work, but isn't...
I currently have the following working in an App
var cursor = 1
const fetchAll = (page, records) => {
if (page == null) return records
return new Promise(resolve => {
return Invoices.trigger({
additionalScope: {
onSuccess: queryResult => {
var newRecords = queryResult.Invoices
var num = newRecords.length
if (num == 100) {
// console.log
} else {cursor = null}
// console.log(cursor)
const newResults = records.concat(newRecords)
return resolve(fetchAll(cursor, newResults))
return fetchAll(cursor,[])
Where Invoices
is a Rest API resource call configured with the following endpoint Invoices?ContactIDs={{[0].ContactID}}&summaryOnly=true&createdByMyApp=true&page={{page}}
So I have tried to replicate this in a Workflow
using a loop block with the "same" code in a loop block:
var cursor = 1
const fetchAll = (page, records) => {
if (page == null) return records
return new Promise(resolve => {
return Invoices_lambda.trigger({
additionalScope: {
onSuccess: queryResult => {
var newRecords = queryResult.Invoices
var num = newRecords.length
if (num == 100) {
} else {cursor = null}
const newResults = records.concat(newRecords)
return resolve(fetchAll(cursor, newResults))
return fetchAll(cursor,[])
where the loop block is called Invoices
and the Loop Lambda
is configured as the same rest api call with same params etc as the App was
The code block just errors with {"data":null,"metadata":{},"error":"Internal Error running a block: Error: An internal server error occurred"}
Any ideas please?