Login Retool Mobile not possible in self-hosted 3.18

As of 3.18, it seems like the login behavior to retool mobile has changed (at least for on-premise). When using 3.18.6, we are unable to log into our on-premise retool mobile instance anymore, as the fields for e-mail and password are missing and instead a browser popup opens. When logging in with the browser, the app does not process the login/redirect correctly. The user is not logged in and can open the login screen again. This occurs both in Android and iOS.

We had to roll back to 3.16.7, which works with the old login screen --> you type email address and password in the app, no additional browser window pops up).

We are using http and self-hosting using docker on linux server.

@cjschmedt Do you mind DMing me (or emailing me at braden AT retool dot com) some details on your deployment and login type? I just confirmed that we are not showing the web login UI with 3.18 so maybe there is a missing detail here.

Spoke to Braden, this was handled over email. If @bca or @cjschmedt want to post the solution if it's publicly available info, I'll let them do that, otherwise we can close this thread. Thanks folks!

I am having the same issue on an iPhone. I cannot roll back the app.

Hi @Armaan,

We're just getting back from a company holiday. If you'd like help on this issue, I'd recommend making a new thread & linking to this one so you can get someone more knowledgable about this particular issue looking at it with you.