Login.retool.com is a blank white screen on mobile


Whenever I try to sign into my Retool account on the mobile app it directs me to login.retool.com and the page just stays as a blank white screen. I have tried to access login.retool.com on Safari and Google Chrome and it always returns the blank screen.

Does anyone know what the problem might be?


Hello @SlippnJimmy!

That is very odd. Is the issue still persisting? It might have been related to an issue on our end but should be fixed now.

Have you been able to login to your retool account on a web browsers or via your mobile browser?

If it is still going on could you post a video/screen recording?

I appear to be having a similar issue. When trying to log in to retool mobile from my iPad, login.retool.com just remains as a blank white screen. The same thing happens both in the app and in safari.

Everything was working previously, but I had to log out and log back in today and have been unable to access my account. Everything is also still working as normal on desktop.

I am using an iPad Air 2 running iPadOS 15.8.3 with the latest available updates.

Screen recording of the issue can be found here: RPReplay_Final1722379571.mp4 - Google Drive

Hello @JHU_Doglab!

Very odd bug, might need to delete/re-install the app to see if there are any updates it needs.

For the blank page in the web browser, that should definitely not be happening, especially if it works fine on desktop. Will check with out mobile engineers to see what trouble shooting we can do to figure out why you are getting a white screen after trying to login.

Are you using retool cloud or self-hosting? If self hosting, which version are you using?

Hi @Jack_T

Thank you for the prompt response. I am using retool cloud.

I have tried deleting and reinstalling the app, but continue to have the same problem.

I have also tried using a second iPad and had the same issue, however I was able to login as normal from my phone.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for the details, thats good to hear you were able to login on your phone successfully.

Do you have any auth configurations on the app?

Unfortunately iPads are very tricky to debug, I was thinking that the best steps would be to inspect the browser to see if you are getting any error messages from the the login modal.

I found this forum post here about needing to go into safari settings to enable developer tools.

I can flag this for our mobile engineers to see if they have any other tips for troubleshooting the issue :sweat_smile:

Does the same issue happen if you try the 'sign in with apple' option?

Are you self hosting retool? If so what version are you on?

Thank you for the tips, Unfortunately I don't currently have access to a mac to connect the iPad to and access developer tools, I will have to try and loan one from a coworker. For now, this issue is still ongoing.

If I try sign in with Apple, I get an error "Email not recognized: Your organization hasn't enabled Sign in with Apple. Contact your Retool admin for more information."

I am also unable to find where to enable sign in with apple, but this is a separate issue.

We are using Retool Cloud.

Thank you for your responses and suggestions so far, we have been able to stop using the iPads for the time being and work around this, but it would be great to be able to put them back into service soon. Let me know if your mobile engineers have any troubleshooting tips

Thank you for the details!

No worries if you can't get access to developer tools.

We have a known bug where this occurs that our engineering team is currently working on. I apologize for the wait and will keep you updates on any news that comes through.

For the signing in with Apple, I will double check with our team on why that message is popping up and how we can fix that. As it could be a work around while our engineers try to figure out the main issues of the screen going blank white.

Will ask our mobile engineers about if they have seen this before and what other steps we can do to diagnose or solve this issue. Will let you know what I hear from them!

Also there is another way to get the logs to see if there's more information on the issue.

If you go into settings, go to the retool app there will be an option called "write to file log" under the banner "Retool settings" which will create a file on the iPad which could contain information we can use.

If you are able to get to view that I would love to see a screenshot or if it is really long a shared version of the file that I can look at and send to our mobile eng team!

In the settings in Retool there is also a "file log level" option that can be changed from "Info (Default)" to "Debug(verbose)" which might make the file it creates more helpful :crossed_fingers: