Log of Dependency Cycle Errors

Hi - can anyone tell me where Dependency Cycle issues are logged please...? I am getting a bunch of them when I start my app, but cannot see if they are logged anywhere for further analysis


Hey @turps808, that's a great point. I don't think we currently log them anywhere, so I just created an internal feature request to log these errors in our debug console (little bug icon in the bottom right).

For now, I find screen recording your app as it opens to be a no-good, but functional way to catch these dependency cycle errors. Let me know if I can help debug these errors with you!

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HI @victoria, thanks for giving a workaround for this one.

Have the team progressed to fixing this? I can't see the message in the bug console yet.


Hi @stewart.anstey not yet, unfortunately :disappointed: but I'll let the team know you checked in on this.

We'll post back here if we get any updates