Listview component query

Hi Team,
I have started working on retool recently. I got struck at one point while using this list view.
According to my requirement i have add three components in the Listview.
1.Text box for ID
2.Textbox for description
3.Delete button.

i was able to achieve 90% of my functionality but some i am not able to.
1.When the page load automatically the default value in the id should be 1 and then on when i click add item it should increase from 1.
2.When i am doing the delete it the description of the other text boxes are getting reset.
3.Suppose i have 4 entries and i deleted the 3 one the 4 entry is not changing to 3 and when a new entry is added again it is showing as 4.
Please can someone please help on this.

Hey there! :wave: Welcome to the Retool Community!

I'd love to help you find a solution here, I just need a little bit more detail to make sure I'm pointing you in the correct direction.

Can you send any screenshots/video recordings of your current app set up/errors you are seeing? I'd also like to see how you have your add and delete queries written if possible.