Listcollection padding

Hi all,
I can't remove native padding from a list collection in my mobile app.

Added to another main screen padding mean that i have some horizzontal space unused.

I've read som topics related this issue but i'm not able to solve it..
Someone could help me?

Hello @Marco85!

Could you share a screen shot of the app? If you can annotate/draw the padding space you are looking to remove I might be able to help!

Hi Jack.. here one of the page of my app..
as you can see i have a page padding on both the side.. left and right..
and after the chart i have some containers and a listcollection..
all the container has 0-padding.. but the listcollection however show some padding on both the side..

here the component list..


i would like to remove or reduce both the padding...
the main page padding and the listcollection padding.

thanks for you support.

Hey @Marco85,

Looks like this spacing is scroll bar from browser but hidden. Can you check if the padding still exists in native app (iOS, Android)

Hi James..
Yes.. both the padding are visibile also in native android app..
I could keep the main page padding.. this is not a problem.. but the second one (listcollection padding) take off some usefull horizzontal space..


can you send me the app export ?

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Hey @Marco85

I looked both web and android but couldnt find the extra padding.

Can you provide me version (mobile app and editor) ?

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