Keep variable references inside the query in sync with your app - Query advanced option, what it does?

How this options works or what it does?

cannot find anything about it in Docs

Hi Oscar,

Great question and to look into this a bit further, could you please let me know what resource you are attempting to query in this screenshot? It sounds like it is meant to keep your variable references current within the query while using the app.

This option does not seem to appear for all query resources.


by default, the value of external (to the JS query) variables is only read when the JS query is initially called. In order to refresh the value within the JS query itself, you need to check the Keep variable references inside the query in sync with your app. checkbox on the advanced tab of the query editor.

By @joeBumbaca in Rest api multiple query ( promise.all) - #4 by joeBumbaca

Perfect, thanks for tracking this down!